Thursday, February 13th, 2025


Technical Data
Structural Stone Products have been tested and meets or exceeds all ASTM requirements for brick facing manufactured products. These include ASTM C1194-03, C666-03, C1195-03, C270, C979. Always research and conform to local building code requirements in your area.
Avg. Weight: 34lbs. Per sq. ft.
Packaged: 70 sq. ft. per pallet

Maintenance & Warranty
Structural Stone Products are 100% Maintenance Free and weather naturally. We do not recommend applying cleaning chemicals such as brick cleaners, acids or other harsh chemicals to the stone. Doing so may result in void of warranty. A mild dish soap, water, and scrub brush may be used if to remove a stain or other debris from the stone if necessary. Structural Stone Products carry a limited 50 year warranty when installed according to instructions provided by manufacturer.